Get to know PCC Softball player Summer Campbell by checking out her answers to our interview questions below!

Hometown: Washington, NC

High School: Washington High School

Favorite Athlete: Jenny Finch

Favorite Actor/Actress: Ian Somerhalder

Favorite Movie: Dear John

What makes you laugh the most: Literally anything, I am always laughing 

How would your friends describe you: Energetic, Bubbly, Always Smiling, Will cry over anything whether its happy or sad 

If you were a super hero, what powers would you have: Being able to fly

Are you a clean or messy person: Clean

What is your favorite zoo animal: Lemur 

What is your favorite vacation spot: The Beach 

What would you sing at a karaoke night: A country song

What is your favorite holiday: 4th of July 

What is your favorite food: Popcorn

Is your glass half empty or half full: Half Full

If you could live anywhere, where would it be: An island

If you had a warning label, what would yours say: Warning, might cry at any moment. 

Favorite memory of the 2019-2020 year as a Bulldog: Being a part of a team that had such a strong bond and was truly a family.