It wasn't long ago that Daelyn Brock was leading the PCC Volleyball team on the court.  She is still very much a leader, although now her role during matches is quite different.

Brock recently accepted a position as Head JV Volleyball Coach and Assistant Varsity Coach at Southern Wayne High School.  She is also currently a Teacher's Assistant at Brogden Primary School.

We caught up with Daelyn to ask her a few questions regarding her recent transition into the coaching world.


Q:  What’s it been like making the transition from player to coach?

ABeing a first year coach has been a lot to navigate, but it has also been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. I’m learning new things every day and finding new reasons to love the game. I’ve had such great coaches in the past and a great support system throughout the entire transition that has helped me navigate through this new chapter of my life, and I cannot be more thankful for that. 

Q:  Do you find you have the same competitiveness as a coach as you did on the court?

A:  One thing about me is that I have always been a competitor, and I still am competitive in a coaching position. I am always looking for ways that I can help my team improve. 

Q:  Do you think coaching is something you would like to do long term?

A:  I definitely see myself coaching long term. It has been such a great experience so far and it can only go up from here. Coaching is a way for me to stay around the sport that I have loved since I was 11 years old and if it’s God’s will for me to continue coaching I know that I will stick with it. 

Q:  What experiences at Pitt CC do you think contributed to you becoming involved in coaching?

A:  Coach Norm and Coach Davis believed in me from the start, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I was nominated by them all 3 years as captain of the team and I took a lot of pride in that. As I took on my role as the leader of the team, it helped me to learn skills that I have as a coach. I learned how to be vocal, how to encourage, and how to hold others accountable which are all things I do as a coach. I would not be where I am today without Pitt’s program and all of the coaches that have helped me along the way. 

We at PCC Athletics wish Daelyn and her team the best of luck and look forward to seeing her continue to make an impact in her community through coaching!